Writing Contests – Themed and Otherwise

I am a writer. Anyone who knows me will agree that I am not much of a talker. But when I have something to say, I write it.

As an introvert, my way of processing information, ideas and experiences is to write about them. I usually do this through my blog posts. But I’m also trying to grow and develop, as a writer, and I found myself in a group called Writer’s Hangout on LinkedIn. There are on and off discussions, and there is an ongoing Themed Writing Contest. Each week’s winner chooses the theme for the following week. Writers can post their stories  to enter the contest, and comment on other stories, but only winners can vote (which is my privilege, thanks to my win for my story “The Persian Carpet”)

Writing stories is fun! I enjoy learning to express my ideas within the limitations of the LinkedIn space.  I also appreciate the thoughtful comments and helpful critiques of my fellow writers; a very gracious and talented bunch!

I had the idea of posting my stories on this page, separate from my other blogposts; but so far, I have not figured out how to do that (or if it can be done). So,for now, everything I write is posted on my main blog page.

I intend to develop this God-given gift/talent of writing as a way to serve my Lord, to contribute to His kingdom here and now, and to encourage, help and bless His people within the reach of the worldwide web.

I invite you – fellow bloggers, writers, readers – to share your thoughts, your words, your heart. I welcome your feedback – positive or critical. Thank you and may God bless you.

2 Responses to Writing Contests – Themed and Otherwise

  1. Hi Vera, We had been ‘talking’ for so long and I just realized I have yet to comment to your ‘about me’ page. Thank you for all the comments and encouragement you had given me with my blog. God bless you, my friend.


    • verawrites says:

      Thank you, Jess – your posts brighten my day (you take such lovely photos!) and it’s nice to stay connected this way with a friend so far away. God bless you too! Vera


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